Internal development and targeted synergies
In order to achieve its ambitions and achieve a significant position in Europe, Graines Voltz took advantage of the dynamics of the European market and adopted a model of sustained growth through organic growth and external growth in France and Europe. The Group deploys abroad the economic model that has proven itself in France and allowed Graines Voltz to become a benchmark player.

Growth Model
Taking advantage of the increasing demand from European consumers for fresh vegetables from short circuits, and from public authorities for a greener living environment, the Group is actively pursuing its development strategy in Europe.
The acquisition of Hermina Maier in 2020 gave the Group a strategic position in Germany, while the acquisition of HILD SAMEN gave the Group the opportunity to develop in the market for new production methods such as Vertical Farming.
At the beginning of 2022, Graines Voltz expanded its offering by taking over the activities of André Briant Jeunes Plants, the undisputed leader in the young nursery plants market in France and one of the European leaders.