Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the genetic capital of GRAINES VOLTZ
In the environmental field, the company’s activity is genuinely sustainable development. GRAINES VOLTZ’s CSR approach is therefore an integral part of the Group’s strategic project. More than a legal obligation, CSR permeates all of the company’s activities with a view to overall performance and the creation of shared value with stakeholders. The fact that the company is listed on the stock exchange does not contradict this orientation, as more and more shareholders favour companies whose strategy includes sustainable development objectives, which do not hinder economic performance but, on the contrary, promote it.
The company’s commitment to its Environmental and Social Responsibilities is expressed through strong convictions and exemplary daily behaviour towards nature, respectful of the quality of life of its employees, partners and customers.
The search for energy savings and respect for the environment are among GRAINES VOLTZ’s main decision-making criteria. In terms of resources, the company has adopted a continuous improvement approach from the outset to optimise its consumption.
GRAINES VOLTZ has installed photovoltaic panels on its main sites, renews its car fleet with petrol or hybrid cars, increasingly uses “Cool Grey” plastic sheets to sow young plants, which allows for better collection and optimised recycling, and implements eco responsible logistics.

While environmental protection is part of its DNA, it also meets the expectations of its market gardeners, horticulturists and local authorities, who are increasingly concerned about their impact on the environment and the health and taste quality of their food products. GRAINES VOLTZ is therefore orienting its activities accordingly by developing short circuits, organic products, urban farms and varietal diversity, which is one of its main strengths. This evolution is a strong factor in the success of its business model.
In the social sphere, respect for people has been one of the Group’s key values since the beginning. This respect is expressed in the maintenance of a true social dialogue, but also in the trust and attention given to each employee.
GRAINES VOLTZ is committed to preserving this heritage and making it bear fruit, and is implementing a proactive skills development policy. As an atypical and avant-garde company, GRAINES VOLTZ does its utmost to ensure that its employees benefit from the best conditions (state-of-the-art information tools, comfortable offices) to succeed in their missions.
GRAINES VOLTZ aims to become a model for an environmentally responsible economy in the distribution of seeds and young plants on a European scale.